making a difference together
i4a is a supporter of the charitable organization Compassionet Impact Development Canada who's mission is "to assist poor families in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to obtain affordable housing and to further their educational and employment prospects." CompassioNet Impact Development Canada is collaborating with partners in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to mitigate poverty and its effects in the communities in and around the city of Puerto Vallarta.
i4a is reaching out to its colleagues, associates and friends to help sponsor a winter 2015 home build project, each projects cost is estimated at $12,000.00
Let's make a difference together.
Make your donation by following the link provided to " Canada Helps " or contact i4a and join us in "making a difference together" to raise funds for a 2015 Home Build Project.
Contact i4a to see how you can help make a difference
photo courtesy of Compassionet Impact Development Canada